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Overcoming Stale Element References in AJAX Table Loading with Katalon Studio

Overcoming Stale Element References in AJAX Table Loading with Katalon Studio

The information in this blog post is based on a real-life scenario shared by a user on our Katalon Community forum and is intended to inspire peer-to-peer discussion and collaboration. Please always test solutions thoroughly before implementing them in a production environment.

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Navigating dynamic web applications often introduces challenges like handling stale element references, especially when dealing with AJAX table loading. This common issue can disrupt your automated testing flow, but Katalon Studio offers robust solutions to streamline the process. In this post, we’ll explore effective strategies to manage stale element references and ensure your test automation remains reliable.

Understanding Stale Element References

Stale element references occur when an element previously located on the DOM is either removed or re-rendered before an action can be performed on it. This is particularly common with AJAX-based tables where the content is dynamically loaded or updated.

Leveraging Katalon Studio’s SmartWait

One of the standout features of Katalon Studio is SmartWait, which intelligently waits for the web page to be in a ready state before executing actions. This feature significantly reduces the likelihood of encountering stale element references.

How to Enable SmartWait?

  1. Navigate to Project > Settings > Execution > Default > Web UI.
  2. Check the box for Enable Smart Wait.
  3. Configure the timeout settings as needed.

Exception Handling Techniques

Proper exception handling is crucial for dealing with unpredictable changes in the DOM. By catching StaleElementReferenceException, you can implement a retry mechanism or alternative actions to recover from the error.

Sample Code

try {
   WebElement element = driver.findElement("example"));;
} catch (StaleElementReferenceException e) {
   // Handle the exception and retry or take alternative action

Using JavaScript for More Reliable Interaction

JavaScript can be a powerful tool for interacting with dynamic elements. By leveraging JavaScript to check the status of AJAX calls, you can ensure the table has finished loading before interacting with it.

Example Using jQuery

JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
Boolean ajaxComplete = (Boolean) js.executeScript("return == 0");
if (ajaxComplete) {
   // Interact with the table

Implementing Retry Logic

In cases where the DOM is highly dynamic, implementing retry logic can help stabilize your tests. This approach involves repeatedly attempting to find and interact with the element until it becomes stable.


WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);
WebElement element = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable("example")));;


Handling stale element references in AJAX table loading can be challenging, but with Katalon Studio’s features and best practices, you can maintain robust and reliable test automation. Enable SmartWait, use exception handling, leverage JavaScript, and implement retry logic to tackle this issue effectively.

If you’re facing a similar challenge, why not give these solutions a try? And remember, our community forum is a great place to share your experiences and learn from others. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to Ask the Community!