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Katalon Platform Available for On-Premise Deployment

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The Katalon Platform, a modern and comprehensive quality platform, is now available in an on-premises deployment option. With this new option, customers can now deploy the Katalon Platform on their preferred IT infrastructure. Whether that is hardware hosted in their own data centers, or infrastructure configured on their preferred cloud infrastructure provider.

Why On-Premises?

Katalons Platform’s SaaS infrastructure is available in both Multi-tenant and Private options and provides the most comprehensive and advanced set of continuous testing capabilities that enable software teams to deliver high-quality digital experiences on a reliable, secure, and SOC2-compliant cloud service. Yet some organizations have very specific requirements for their IT infrastructure and supporting data that prevent them from leveraging cloud-only SaaS solutions.

It is for these customers that Katalon has launched this on-premises deployment option. Read on to know which option will be right for you:

  • SaaS
  • Private SaaS
  • On-Premises

Deployment Decisions

The Katalon Platform on-premises option joins our existing SaaS and Private SaaS deployment options to provide an additional level of compliance requirement capability for customers in search of a comprehensive software quality platform but with specific compliance requirements that prevent the use of any SaaS solutions.  While these cases are significantly less common, we know every software team needs a quality platform.

SaaS - The public SaaS option is our standard offering that leverages a multi-tenant cloud architecture that meets the security and compliance needs of the majority of software and quality teams. This solution is equivalent to other cloud SaaS solutions such as Jira Cloud, Salesforce Cloud, GitHub, and other cloud tool providers.

Private SaaS - Private SaaS takes the power and capability of our public SaaS solution and deploys it in independent, single-tenant cloud environments that for those customers whose compliance or security requirements prevent the use of multi-tenant cloud solutions. Many cloud SaaS providers offer this Private SaaS (aka Single Tenant) option for customers.

On-Premises - On-Premises is a unique packaging of the Katalon Platform that allows customers to deploy the software on their own self-managed architecture. Usually, this implies self-hosted data centers but may also include deployment on cloud infrastructure managed by the customer’s IT teams. This usually implies that external connectivity to cloud services will not be available and thus the On-Premises deployment option does not have some of the features and capabilities of the SaaS options.

The decision to forgo either of the SaaS options should not be taken lightly as they have significant benefits in deployment time, Total Cost of Ownership, and advanced features. While most customers will be able to use one of the SaaS options, here is a quick Q&A that can get the decision process started.

What are the main differences?

Here’s a quick breakdown of the three platform options and their differences. Note that the information below is solely for our paid subscription plans, not for our free community license users.

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Feature & Function Differences Between Cloud & On-Premises

Some Katalon Platform features & Functions require connectivity with cloud-based resources. As this connectivity is not available for on-premise platform deployments, these features are also not available on On-Premise deployments. 

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Next Steps

As mentioned earlier, the SaaS and Private SaaS deployment options will meet the majority of security and/or compliance requirements for a broad spectrum of organizations and industries. Customers considering On-Premises as their deployment option of choice should still review the Private SaaS option as it may meet their compliance and regulatory requirements. In modern software development, it is very rare to find organizations that are not using cloud SaaS tools across the organization. Your Katalon technical staff can help review and discuss specific security or compliance requirements with you.

Contact us to discuss your continuous quality requirements and how the Katalon Platform and its flexible deployment options can enable any team to deliver high-quality digital experiences.

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