The Katalon Blog

Efficiently Passing Dynamic Variables Between Test Suites in Katalon Studio

Written by Katalon Team | Jul 19, 2024 2:18:00 PM

Efficiently Passing Dynamic Variables Between Test Suites in Katalon Studio

The information in this blog post is based on a real-life scenario shared by a user on our Katalon Community forum and is intended to inspire peer-to-peer discussion and collaboration. Please always test solutions thoroughly before implementing them in a production environment.
Feel free to continue the discussion here.

In the realm of automated testing, efficiently sharing dynamic data between different test suites can significantly enhance workflow and accuracy. One common challenge among software testing professionals is passing variables such as policy numbers generated in one test suite to another seamlessly. This blog post delves into practical solutions for this issue, drawing insights from the Katalon Community forum.

The Challenge: Sharing Dynamic Variables

The scenario involves two applications, Policy and Billing, each with its own test suite. The goal is to pass a dynamically generated policy number from the Policy test suite to the Billing test suite. Initial attempts using Global Variables and Excel files faced challenges, such as outdated data being picked up during sequential test suite execution.

Solutions for Passing Dynamic Variables

1. Using Global Variables within a Single Test Suite

The simplest solution is to combine the Policy and Billing test suites into a single test suite. Here, you can use Global Variables to store and share the policy number across different test cases within the same suite. This approach ensures that the data is retained in memory and accessible throughout the suite’s execution.

2. Leveraging callTestCase() for Parameter Passing

For a more modular approach, consider using the callTestCase() keyword. This method allows a parent test case to call other test cases while passing parameters. It ensures data is shared dynamically without relying on external files.

def policyNumber = WebUI.callTestCase(findTestCase('Test Cases/GeneratePolicyNumber'), [:])
WebUI.callTestCase(findTestCase('Test Cases/UsePolicyNumber'), [('policyNumber'): policyNumber])

Advanced Solution: JSON File for Data Exchange

If merging test suites or using callTestCase() is not feasible due to team structures or project design, a viable alternative is to use a local JSON file for data exchange. Test Suite 1 can write the policy number to a JSON file, which Test Suite 2 can then read. This approach avoids the pitfalls of Excel data handling and provides a straightforward way to manage dynamic data.

import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
// Writing to JSON
def policyNumber = "XYZ123"
def jsonFile = new File('path/to/policyNumber.json')
jsonFile.text = JsonOutput.toJson([policyNumber: policyNumber])
// Reading from JSON
def jsonContent = new JsonSlurper().parse(jsonFile)
def policyNumberFromJson = jsonContent.policyNumber


Passing dynamic variables between test suites in Katalon Studio can be streamlined using various methods, from Global Variables within a single test suite to leveraging JSON files for modular data handling. By adopting these approaches, testing teams can ensure more efficient and accurate data sharing, leading to more reliable test outcomes.

If you’re facing a similar challenge, why not give these solutions a try? And remember, our community forum is a great place to share your experiences and learn from others. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to Ask the Community!