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Assert in Python: A Really Cool Guide

Written by Hy Nguyen | Sep 12, 2024 7:04:19 AM

Have you ever wanted to make sure your assumptions about your code are correct? That’s exactly where assertions come in.

In programming, an assertion is a simple way to verify that certain conditions hold true in your code, helping you catch potential errors early before they snowball into bigger problems.

Imagine building a house—you wouldn’t start putting up walls without first making sure the foundation is solid, right? Assertions work the same way in your code. They’re checkpoints that ensure everything is stable before you move forward, so you can catch mistakes or logical flaws as soon as they happen. They are especially useful during development, acting as a safety net to keep your code in check.

In production environments, assertions are typically disabled, meaning they won’t be there to catch errors once the code is live. That’s why they’re best used for catching bugs early, when you can fix them without any consequences for your users.

Let's learn more about Asserts in Python!


Why Are Assertions Important?

Assertions are the crucial safety checks in your code. It ensures that your code behaves as expected while you're building it. They help you catch mistakes early and confirm that your logic holds up under the hood.

During development, it’s easy to assume that your code is doing exactly what you think it’s doing. But assumptions can lead to hidden bugs, and hidden bugs can turn into big problems later down the road.

Assertions let you test those assumptions directly. If something goes wrong, you’ll know right away. You can fix it on the spot before the bug creeps into other parts of your system.

Not only do assertions help you find mistakes early, but they also act as documentation. When you return to your code months later, those assertions will remind you of the assumptions you made back then. They tell the story of what you expected your code to do, making it easier for future you (or any developer) to understand and work with.


Anatomy of an assert

To truly understand how assert works in Python, it helps to break down its structure.

  1. The assert keyword: this is the heart of the statement. When Python encounters the assert keyword, it evaluates the condition that follows it. The primary goal here is to verify that something you believe to be true actually is true at that point in your program.
  2. The Condition: after the assert keyword, we write the condition we want to validate. This condition is usually an expression that evaluates to either True or False.
  3. Optional Error Message: the beauty of assertions in Python is that you can attach a custom error message. This is particularly helpful when debugging because it gives context about why the assertion failed.

So what happens when an assertion fails? If the condition evaluates to False, Python raises an AssertionError, which immediately halts the execution of your program (unless the error is caught using a try-except block). The error message is displayed, providing insight into what went wrong.

Let’s look at an example of assert in Python:

def process_order(order):

    assert order is not None, "Order cannot be None!"

    # Process the order

    print("Processing order:", order)


This line uses an assert statement to verify that the order is not None. Here’s what happens:

  • Condition: order is not None
    • This checks if the value of order is not equal to None. If order is anything other than None (e.g., a number, string, or object), the condition evaluates to True, and the program continues.
    • If order is None, the condition evaluates to False.

  • Optional Message: "Order cannot be None!"
    • If the condition is False, the assert statement raises an AssertionError, and this custom message is displayed. This provides helpful context for understanding why the error occurred. The message makes it clear that the issue is that the order value was None, which is invalid in this case.

Assertions vs Exceptions

Simply put:

  1. Assertions are intended to check conditions that should never be false if the code is correct. These are assumptions you make as a developer about how your code should behave.
  2. Exceptions are used when dealing with scenarios where the error is possible but not necessarily due to a programming bug. These are issues that could arise from external factors, user input, or unpredictable circumstances.

Let's look at an example: you’re writing a function that should never receive a negative number, so you add an assertion to confirm that assumption.

def calculate_area(radius):

    assert radius >= 0, "Radius cannot be negative!"

    return 3.14 * radius * radius

Here the assertion is making sure that radius is a non-negative number, which should always be the case if your function is used correctly.

The “Exception”, on the other hand, is used to handle expected errors. Say, you’re opening a file, and it is entirely possible that the file might not exist, so you handle this using exceptions. In this case, the missing file is an expected situation that you plan for by catching the FileNotFoundError:


    with open('file.txt', 'r') as file:

        content =

except FileNotFoundError:

    print("The file was not found.")

Use Case of Assert in Testing

1. Validating Function Outputs

One of the most common use cases for assert in testing is to verify that a function’s output is correct based on a given input. This helps you ensure that the function is working as expected during development.

def add(a, b):

    return a + b

# Simple test using assert

assert add(2, 3) == 5, "The addition function failed!”


In this example, we’re using assert to check that the add function returns the correct result when adding 2 and 3. If the function returns anything other than 5, the assert will fail and raise an AssertionError. This quick check acts as a mini-test to confirm that the logic is sound.

2. Ensuring Invariants

Invariants are conditions that should always be true at a specific point in your program. Using assert to enforce these invariants is a great way to catch logical errors early, especially when dealing with complex algorithms or data structures.


def remove_item(lst, item):


    assert item not in lst, "Item was not removed from the list!"


Here, after attempting to remove an item from a list, we use assert to ensure that the item is no longer present in the list. This check guarantees that the operation behaves as expected and that the list’s state is correct after the function runs.

3. Data Validation

In testing, you often need to ensure that the data you’re working with is in the correct format or range. Using assert for basic data validation helps prevent your tests from running with invalid data, catching errors early.


def process_score(score):

    assert 0 <= score <= 100, "Score must be between 0 and 100!"

    # Continue processing


In this case, assert ensures that the score is within the valid range of 0 to 100. If the function receives a score outside this range, it raises an error, allowing you to catch the issue before it affects further logic.

4. Checking Side Effects

In addition to validating return values, you can use assert to check side effects in your code, such as changes to global variables or modifications to objects. This is particularly useful when testing functions that modify the state of your application.

cart = []

def add_to_cart(item):



# Test that the function has a side effect on the cart


assert "apple" in cart, "Item was not added to the cart!"


Here, the assert statement confirms that calling add_to_cart successfully adds the item to the cart. This helps verify that the function has the intended effect on the application’s state.

5. Quick and Informal Unit Tests

During early development, before setting up a full test suite, assert can serve as a lightweight way to test individual components of your program. These informal checks allow you to quickly verify that a function behaves as expected, without needing to write extensive test cases.

def multiply(a, b):

    return a * b

# Informal test using assert

assert multiply(2, 4) == 8, "Multiplication failed!"

assert multiply(0, 10) == 0, "Multiplying by zero failed!"


These simple assert statements act as mini-unit tests, ensuring that the multiply function works as expected for different inputs. They can be especially helpful during initial development when you need to validate your logic on the fly.

Best Practices For Using assert

1. Use assert for Internal Logic Validation

  • The primary use of assert is to check that your code is behaving as expected during development. It’s a way of verifying that certain conditions are met—conditions that should always be true if your logic is correct. This can be especially helpful when dealing with complex algorithms or scenarios where multiple steps are dependent on one another.
  • For example, after a function processes data, you can use an assertion to verify that the output meets your assumptions, ensuring that any potential logic errors are caught early. It’s like a built-in sanity check for your code.
  • Keep in mind that assert is most useful during development and debugging. It’s not meant to be a catch-all for every possible error in your program.

2. Avoid Using assert for User Input Validation

  • While assert can technically be used to check user input, it’s not recommended for this purpose. Assertions are typically stripped away when Python is run in optimized mode (-O flag), meaning that if you're relying on assertions to catch invalid input, those checks could be bypassed in production.
  • Instead, for user-facing code or production environments, you should handle input validation with proper error handling, like raising exceptions. Unlike assertions, exceptions will remain in your code regardless of whether optimizations are enabled, ensuring that your program handles invalid input or errors gracefully.

3. Remember That Assertions Can Be Disabled

  • One of the most critical points to understand is that Python allows assertions to be disabled in optimized mode. When you run Python with the -O flag (optimized mode), all assert statements are ignored. This means that if you use assert for important runtime checks—like ensuring certain values aren’t None or checking if a condition is true—those checks will not be executed.
  • Therefore, never rely on assert for checks that are essential to the operation of your program in production. Assertions should be used for development and debugging, not for core error handling.

4. Write Descriptive and Informative Error Messages

  • When writing assert statements, always include a meaningful error message. This makes debugging much easier, as the message will tell you exactly what went wrong when an assertion fails. Without a good message, you might find yourself spending more time trying to figure out why the failure occurred.
  • A useful error message should clearly state what assumption was violated, giving you immediate context about the failure. For example, if you're asserting that a list must not be empty, your message could explain what went wrong and what should have been true.

5. Don’t Rely on assert for Formal Testing

  • While assert is handy for quick checks during development, it is not a substitute for proper unit testing or structured tests. Testing frameworks like unittest or pytest are designed to provide more robust and organized ways to test your code.
  • These frameworks offer additional benefits, such as the ability to run multiple tests, track which ones passed or failed, and give detailed reports on the outcome. They also support setup and teardown procedures for more complex test environments.
  • In contrast, assert statements won’t tell you how many tests passed or failed, and they don’t offer detailed reporting. So, as your project grows or your testing needs become more complex, transitioning to a testing framework is essential.

6. Avoid Side Effects in Assertions

  • An important rule to follow is to never include code with side effects inside an assertion. Assertions should be purely about checking conditions and should not modify the state of your program. Including side effects in an assert statement can lead to unpredictable behavior, especially if the assertion is disabled in optimized mode.
  • For example, don’t rely on assert to update a variable, alter a list, or perform any operation that affects the program's state. Assertions should be simple, focused checks.

7. Use Assertions Sparingly in Public APIs

  • If you’re writing code that others will use, especially public-facing APIs, be careful with how you use assertions. Since assertions can be disabled, relying on them in critical parts of an API could lead to confusing results for users if those checks are not performed in production.
  • Instead, use exceptions and proper error handling to manage errors in APIs, so that users of your code will receive clear feedback even when optimizations are enabled.

8. Transition to Unit Tests for Complex Test Cases

  • As your codebase grows, or as you need to test more complicated scenarios, you’ll want to move from using assert statements to more formal unit tests. This is particularly true when you need to perform setup and teardown tasks before and after your tests run.
  • Testing frameworks allow you to test your code in a structured way, with better reporting, logging, and even automated test runners. They also support features like mocking, which can be crucial for testing certain parts of your code in isolation. For more complex test cases, unit tests are a better fit than relying solely on assert.