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Announcing TestCloud Mobile Automated Testing

TestCloud Mobile Automated Testing

Testcloud mobile testing

It is estimated there are over 15 billion mobile devices (phones and tablets) in the world today. And customers, businesses, and service providers are using or developing native mobile apps for everyday needs. Digital experiences via native mobile apps on Android and iOS create challenges for product teams that have to deal with hardwired testing via individually tethered devices, managing complex physical device farms that grow every year as more and more physical device versions are released, and dealing with active OS version fragmentation in the marketplace that requires testing across numerous OS versions. 

Today we are excited to announce Mobile Automated Testing, as part of Katalon TestCloud, helping teams save time and money compared to building a physical device farm to test mobile apps. Whether web or native app based, Katalon provides everything you need to plan, author, organize, execute, and analyze testing of all your mobile experiences.Stash those cables, and save time and money compared to building a device farm with Katalon Platform’s Mobile Automated Mobile Testing. This solution is provided as part of TestCloud, the Katalon Platform’s flexible, scalable, on-demand test execution cloud service. Katalon now provides everything you need to plan, author, organize, execute, and analyze testing of all your mobile experiences whether they be web or native app based. 

Mobile Automated Testing allows you to:

Deliver quality across all mobile digital experiences (Android, iOS, and mobile web)

Reduce or eliminate the costs and resource burden of maintaining an internal device lab

Test at scale whether working remote or in the office

Have confidence to scale mobile test execution when needed to reduce cycle time and deliver higher quality faster

Schedule Test Runs for Specific Devices and OS Versions

You can select between Android or iOS and further define the target test environment by OS version and specific devices.  




Analysis and Insights to Ensure Release Readiness 

As part of the Katalon Platform, mobile automated testing is integrated into the reporting, analysis, and insights provided by TestOps to help teams quickly analyze and measure requirements coverage and release readiness.

Dive Into Test Cases to Review Issues and Link Them to Jira 

Review test results and quickly link to issues or product requirements in Jira to improve collaboration and visibility into quality issues and resolutions.

Test Case results

Comprehensive Mobile Testing Solution with Katalon

From authoring mobile tests to executing across a variety of mobile devices and OS versions, Katalon provides a comprehensive solution to deliver quality digital experiences across mobile devices at scale and with confidence. As always, please post any questions, ideas, or concerns in our Community forum. We are eager to hear from you. 

Learn more about Katalon Platform’s Mobile Automated Testing HERE.

Learn more about the Katalon TestCloud here: